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Pedestrian Safety Tips

  • Use the crosswalks on 12th Street at Kennedy, Bunting 和 North Avenue.
  • 人行横道在 Glenwood大道 一直 关闭 确实如此 非法 穿过那里.
  • Please activate the 闪烁的灯光 在人行横道 提醒司机 that you are crossing.
  • 记住, traffic may not stop for pedestrians waiting to enter a crosswalk.
  • 眼神交流 with the motorist before entering the crosswalk, ensuring the motorist stops.
  • When using a crosswalk at a median, 停在中间位置 和 make sure motorists see you before continuing across the street.
  • At dusk 和 into evening, wear light-colored or reflective clothing when walking to increase your visibility.
  • Jaywalking 和 crossing 一个十字路口 对角 在非法. Fines for jaywalking can cost you up to a $50 fine.

Be a Safe Campus Motorist

  • 收益率.png停止三角形的收益率 markings, located 20 feet before pedestrian crosswalks. This is to ensure that motorists traveling in both lanes have a clear view of crosswalk areas.
  • 慢下来 to observe pedestrians in the area 和 heighten your awareness at crosswalks 和 intersections. 眼神交流 with pedestrians before moving.
  • Be aware th在 penalty for not observing crosswalk areas 和 passing another vehicle that is stopped in the crosswalk is $603 points on your driving record.
  • Be aware th在 penalty for 不屈服 to pedestrians at a crosswalk is $75 points on your driving record.
  • Bicyclists — be aware th在 penalty for failing to 下马 你的自行车 before entering the roadway from the sidewalk is $50

基本的街 & 校园安全

  • 无论你在哪里, 保持警惕 和 tuned into your surroundings.
  • Send the message that you are 平静, 自信 和 know where you are going.
  • Trust your instincts. If something or someone is making you feel uneasy, remove yourself from the environment.
  • 找一个朋友 to walk or jog with late at night or early in the morning.
  • 告诉某人 where you'll be 和 when you'll return.
  • 携带一个 手机.
  • When going to a party, always use the 伙伴系统.